
In an age of increased stress, unending stimuli, hundreds of options in everything, the desire to have more, do more and see more, the increased pace of life and the relentless changes that bombard us every day - it is no wonder people everywhere in every walk of life struggle with becoming, making right choices, finding balance in their career and personal life, and feeling a lack of a general sense of "I am OK and life is good as it is now" and nothing needs to change in the future for it to be better.

Where are you living your life$%: In the ever-elusive future, the past that is now etched in stone, or the present where life takes place and is lived$%: Now don't run off and get yourself into a twit here, I am not suggesting that it isn't important to plan, have goals and work towards something in the future. I am only asking you to consider for a moment where you tend to spend most of your waking consciousness.

I have discovered that you can't do anything in the future. You can't do anything in the past. You can only impact both of these in your present moments - now. Yes, I would like to be lying on a beach in the Greek Isles right now, but I am sitting at this impersonal piece of equipment (my computer) - trying to create something that will help me enjoy these present moments and possibly contribute in some small way to your life as well. One thing is sure. I can control the first one, but have no real control over the second.

I love to write, but I also love to vegetate under a blue sky listening to the soft lapping of the waves on the shore. So thus, the dilemma. Which should I do now$%: Which gives me the most pleasure now$%:

How about you$%: What do you like to do in your now moments$%: Are you too wrapped up in your tomorrow moments - what results you will achieve tomorrow, where you will be tomorrow, who you will be with tomorrow, etc., etc., etc.

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